Thursday, April 11, 2019


February National Events:
National Canned Food Month:
Canned Fruit, vegetables, pie filling, soups,
meats, tuna, chicken, salmon
National Breakfast Foods Month:
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, frozen waffles, syrup,
waffle & pancake mix, hash browns, bacon and sausage
Super Bowl Game Savings:
Soda pop, chips, dip, cheese, sandwich items, crackers,
snack, wings, cut fruit & veggie tray and pizza
Valentine’s Day:
Boxes & Bar chocolate, lubricants & KY jelly, Perfume, cards, stuffed animals, gift sets, Wine/Sparkling cider, candles and flower arrangements
President’s Day:
Chinese New Year:
Any Asian Food Products
In Season Fruit:               Seasonal Veggies:
   Raspberries                             Artichoke   Asparagus
Strawberries                           Broccoli      Carrots
Grapefruit                              Cauliflower  Celery
Kiwi                                      Chard        Collards
Lemons                                  Kale          Parsnips
   Oranges                                 Potatoes     Turnips      

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